The group of volunteers WWF LAKE COUNTRY
waving the flag and the panda peeps eyeing the visitors of the exhibition "A Book for a Friend", sponsored by the Pro Loco Domitian coast on the shores of Lake Country. In the area of \u200b\u200bgreen park that includes the archaeological bore Liternum, were set up under the gazebo and one of these is the local delegation of the WWF LAKE COUNTRY, partner of the Pro Loco in the enjoyment of the park under the naturalistic.
The charming scenery of the lake to heart-shaped leaves visitors in awe particular frazionecostiera the residents themselves, who know little or nothing of the site.
" information naturalisticca The work we are doing is putting in front of a reality that we did not believe could exist. - the President Stefano Franciosi - We are realizing that local residents shortly or know anything of this lake and the whole environment that revolves around him. This area really is a oasis for the birds that are an ideal microclimate in which winter or nest. WWF We invite people to use this site for your walks, you can not live in such a special place and not know it. "
Meanwhile manifestazioen is also an opportunity to distribute publications from the WWF to increase the membership. The mayor Giovanni Pianese , lingering under the gazebo, WWF has welcomed the initiative for the sharing of culture.
angela Fabozzi, Communication WWF Lago Patria

Mayor Pianese under the stand of the WWF
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