Dear friends,
with this article I would like to express strong perpelessità about this video broadcast Strip from the article:
In my humble opinion, this is a manipulation of reality.
And unfortunately, this is not the only espisodio where Striscia la Notizia has proven to be impartial.
fact, Striscia la notizia has become complicit in the fall of the Mayor of Latin Vincenzo Zaccheo, by broadcasting the following video fake:
But let's order. (Continue reading this article by clicking on the title)
In the first video In my humble opinion, this is a manipulation of reality.
And unfortunately, this is not the only espisodio where Striscia la Notizia has proven to be impartial.
fact, Striscia la notizia has become complicit in the fall of the Mayor of Latin Vincenzo Zaccheo, by broadcasting the following video fake:
But let's order. (Continue reading this article by clicking on the title) Mrs. Elena , interviewed by Gimmy Ghione, claimed to have been cured through the use of a drug still in trials (Celix) , provided " under the watchful eye of Professor. Umberto Veronesi. In short, a wonder drug, which in its opinion, should have been loanable or distributed by the National Health Service. (continued. ..)
The interview, which apparently should be designed to share an experience of an ordinary person, in my opinion, was not merely a clever operation lobbying, which is a means by which an organization already powerful and famous seeking operating pressure on the international scene, so that they can not escape dall'esaudire their demands, and in this case, to become the loanable Celix
To do this, the organization taking advantage of the day called azaleas for Research on Cancer , organized by AIRC, has identified a person apparently common, which can cope with, however, a talk, so convincingly, in front a camera, as the wife of a famous art critic Philippe Daverio (nominated in 2009 as a counselor in the list of Filippo Penati the Province of Milan) and has already had some experience in theater, see for example: http:// ,1067207,1067051-1086984, 00.html and gave the task to tell the story of a civic movement to spread the following message:
"Citizens!, there a drug testing still, that does not hurt and healing from cancer. This drug, although it is still being experimented with, however, must become loanable or be acquired by the State, because it is miraculous. Look how happy I am calm and .
In this way the organization in question has launched with the help of Striscia la Notizia subtly (I would say strip) the following message to the State
"We not only can we proud of the fact that we have on our side prof. Umberto Veronesi and who knows what other illustrious physician, but can also trigger, if we want a popular uprising, through the television (see Striscia la Notizia), in order for this experimental drug is purchased by the state. In fact, WARNING . ... if the state does not do so, the message that we could launch in the future could be this: The state is inefficient, does not care about the health of citizens, although there are miraculous products (though still in testing) ... ACQUIRED them.
Finally, what has been passed off as a seemingly innocent service, in fact conceals a much more refined communication strategy, in which the right to health of citizens is secondary to the business that may derive from the sale of the drug in question to the State: the cd Celix.
Striscia la Notizia, in this case acted as a lackey of those same hucksters miracle products, so that disputes not by the interests of citizens, but an already powerful caste.
Striscia la Notizia, however, should, in my humble opinion, to deal with other, giving space to those who, instead, a "caste" does not have it.
For example, because Strip has never occupied the cd Bioscanner, invented by Italian physicist Clarbruno Vedruccio, which is already present in Italian hospitals, and that could be saved through prevention, thousands and thousands of lives but that is no longer in production due to the winding up of the Galileo Avionics?
Why nobody has bothered to save or create a TRIMprob SpA new company to provide the Bioscanner all Italian hospitals and doctors to base?
Perhaps because the physical Clarbruno Vedruccio behind it does not have a caste so powerful? In the second video Striscia la Notizia attaches to the Mayor of Latin America, Vincenzo Zaccheo, the following words: "Do not forget my daughters. " This episode was used as a gimmick and an excuse to drop the junta and go to new elections. Months after, there emerged another truth, namely that the words of Zacchaeus were others: "Do not forget the commitments made .
inquetanti Two cases that demonstrate unequivocally today as the power is exercised not by force, but among butts, groin interludes, stupid smile, tapirs, pine cones and linguine.
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