nature explorers. This turned a group of secondary school students " Siani " Villaricca. The hike on the shores of Lake Country was a

The young and curious students, were led by volunteers from WWF Lago Patria, who have taken the boys on the banks of the lake in the shape of heart and gave all the explanations to the young fans aspiring naturalists. The visit took place in three stages. First the tour with an explanation and recognition of species and wildlife found along a lake edge, which highlighted the local microclimate conducive to the development of a flora with wetland functions. The second part was devoted to birdwatching , with great enthusiasm and armed with binoculars, the boys were able to observe closely coots, egrets, gulls, pigeons and even a kestrel, hovering curious on the water. The conclusion of the excursion at a laboratory test that has brought young students to recognize the ways of birds cross the lake. To deal with the laboratory Sandro Terreri Lago Patria WWF expert who was able to steal the attention of young

Angela Fabozzi, Communication WWF Lago Patria
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