Friday, March 4, 2011

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less output, less revenue

I had already talked about how a nefarious paragraph Gelmini reform had in fact prevented universities to enter into many types of contracts, and had greatly complicated the conclusion of others.

This has two immediate effects:

  • the removal of a number of temporary workers from the university (with positive effects on ministry statistics, but disastrous on the lives of individuals)
  • the decrease spending by universities (also most welcome to ministerial budgets and related "guru" economic, financial, and which is justified by a logical consequence of the syllogism "in the university are all lazy " therefore "any unproductive expenditure will be by definition ).

image I'd like to point out to the gurus and experts said that while a cut in unproductive spending tends to increase the efficiency of the system, cutting back spending production it reduced working capacity, and consequently the ability to attract new resources and new funds.

In practice, by means of red tape, was forcibly reduced spending power in 2011, but this automatically imply a reduction of revenue for research projects (various types) from 2012 .

just words? Indifference? Do not believe us? Want an example?

Here, the first glance that happened in chronological order: the Master of Talents Giovanni Goria Foundation and the Fondazione CRT. This notice provides about 150 scholarships per year. But this year the university will not participate, as the nature of bags provided by the notice is incompatible with those allowed by law Gelmini. Qed


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