Friday, March 11, 2011

Early Warning Signs Of Autism Yahoo

Perle knowledge of computers

Today I correct computing tasks. I must share some phrases and statements of my students, I have opened my eyes endlessly. I learned new things I did not know. I also learned a new way to communicate, no longer based on the submissions clear and well defined, but through suggestions and references subconscious bias.

Here are a few, in no particular order ... [in italics and my comments in brackets]

  • The operating system uses an interactive time sharing the processor and is developed by the technique of multiprogramming.
    [maybe it's one of those exercises puzzle where you have to rearrange the words to get a meaningful sentence]
  • I flip flop give order to the operations that are coordinated by a single clock, if are synchronous.
  • The unit of output carries all that is required.
    [I must remember to ask the unit's output to clean my house]
  • [Shared libraries] are software libraries that are loaded dynamically at run time, instead of being linked to an executable aesthetically at compile time.
    [for the series, if you choose to copy, do it at least by those who write legibly]
  • [It has a maximum size of] 0.08 pixels.
    [is the new generation of "screen display" of Apple, probably]
  • encoding fixed point is used to represent real numbers with fixed point .
    ['ve studied up a generator tautologies, probably]
  • Static libraries things fit into each other and all the programs are recorded also in RAM.
    [a bit 'like LEGO, then, plus I record TV programs? but what are "things"?]
  • transducer T arrives at a figure that is not either digital or virtual.
    [maybe not even vegetable ... but you can define a thing in denial?]
  • Shared libraries are libraries that allow data modification within them.
    [what data?]
  • The operating system is a time-sharing operating system that performs its operations in a certain period of time.
    [all the rest, of course, lives outside time]
  • Shared libraries are libraries in which the strings are not fixed .
    [perfect, we have found a way to automatically locate a program in different languages!]

Now we all have to retire to meditate in order to better assimilate all these new (and sometimes revolutionary) ideas.


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