porn on the web off sexual desire for young people, 'the alarm raised by the President of the Italian Society of Andrology Medical and Medicine Sexual (Siamsa), Carlo Foresta, promoter of a survey to understand the phenomenon of anorexia sex in young people between 20 and 25 years. The study found that 7.8 million Italians are chasing hard, 29% of total browsers (November 2010 data).
This percentage has grown by 58% compared to November 2005. The target of the porn sites are male 70%, and the most common age bracket is between 24 and 44. The vision of continuous hard scenes, said Forest, "has slowed down the brain maturation of sexuality, sex dall'affettività released, and without loss of interest in the real sexuality Instead, for a healthy development, it needs imagination. "
L 'only positive note?
The boys have muscular arms!
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