He spoke again on 11 May 2011 and the earthquake that will upset Rome. E 'in 2009 that the news goes around the web it's not all. The prediction is found among the manuscripts of Raffaele Bendandi Italian astronomer and seismologist born in 1893 and died in 1979. The news is unfounded say newspapers and television. And do not talk about it anymore. But today, at the entrance of 2011, the web goes crazy and the prophecy comes back. Why? January 13, 1915 7:48
ore. The earth trembles at Avezzano, Abruzzo. Eleventh degree of the Mercalli scale. Thirty victims to 120,000 inhabitants. Avezzano remain alive only eleven thousand inhabitants in 3000. The earthquake of Marsi. So goes down in history after only seven years from Messina.May 6, 1976 ore 21.06. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6, 5 shakes the bowels of Friuli. They are almost a thousand dead and 45,000 homeless.
Someone he had provided those earthquakes. He expected the area and had planned the period. That someone was Bendandi Raffaele, astronomer and seismologist, scientist do it yourself. No degree. No scientific exposition. Only a great passion and a formidable genius.
He is "the man who provides the earthquakes." Il Corriere della Sera called it the day after the Senigallia earthquake of January 2, 1924. Raffaele had expected. As he had expected that the Marsica, noting the first time on a sheet of notes the date and place. As he had foreseen what the Friuli 1976. In 1976 Bendandi not know that three years after he died. He expected earthquakes. But no one believes him. It is not a true scientist and then the strange theories about new planets, cosmic junctures, all nonsense. Raphael died in mysterious circumstances Bendaña November 3, 1979.
The theory of cosmic Bendandi
The movie is in black and white. Bendandi are elderly. He has thick glasses but his eyes lively and acute. It 'been invited for an interview on the news from Rai. And 'there that explains his theory to the Italian families. It will do so again in 1979. In a movie, this time in color, Bendandi shows the same energy and confidence that a decade earlier. Shortly after he died. "The origin of earthquakes on our theory is purely cosmic. According to data I have collected and tested when the earthquake occurs within a month of the lunar revolution, the action of our satellite is in addition to those of other planets." I am the moon, sun and other planets, according to the astronomer, causing swelling of the earth's surface triggering earthquakes. The earthquakes according to his theories are therefore absolutely predictable.
The May 11, 2011
Paola Lagorio is president of "The Bendandiana" which contains all the manuscripts of Bendandi. Some of the documents with its forecasts for 2011 were first thrown into the fire and then saved. In those papers are contained numbers and considerations that are shouting suddenly in 2009 when disaster strikes. Will take place in May 2011, in Rome, a devastating earthquake. Even Voyager is dealing with the end of 2009, and Paola Lagorio is interviewed in playing down transmission: "The documents relating to 2011 is not any reference points or specific dates, such as those found on the Internet. The news about a supposed earthquake provided for '11 May 2011 in Rome are entirely without fondamentoâ € calm down and not talk about it anymore.
Until now, until a few days ago. Just take a ride on the web to understand that something is wrong. Is returning to panic. The news comes back, it spreads and it happens even more. In the streets of downtown Ciampino some fliers are posted and signed by the Civil Defence, who claim to predict an apocalyptic earthquake on May 11, 2011. Citizenship is encouraged to sleep two days before and two, three days after the date outside of their homes.
Civil protection Ciampino ignores the alert.
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