The purchase illegal aware of a protected animal involves a charge of receiving stolen property and criminal penalties of up to 5 years imprisonment
A ninety valuable parrots (cockatoos, Amazon, Ara, Greys), to a value of about 60 000 €, all protected species have been stolen in April from a herd of Borgo Vercelli are partly been recovered in a herd of Tarantasca (Cuneo) after the owner had bought them without knowing their illicit origin and four people were arrested with ' charges of extortion and threats. The operation was coordinated by the Police and the provincial command of the Forest of Cuneo with Commissioner Torre of the Greek, the Flying Squad of Novara and the provincial command of the Forest of Vecelli For the purchase of the owner of Tarantasca had paid five postdated checks on a monthly basis the value of three thousand euro each, taken from the bank account of his partner. Except that the sellers - proved even then the authors of the theft - the refusal to proceed in surreptitious payments in view of the origin of the animals seized by the men of the police headquarters in Cuneo and the State Forestry Corps of Cuneo, carried out a punitive expedition with beatings and threats of death if had not complied with the payments. The arrests were made on August 24. There are four bells affected, all born and living in Tower of Greek (Napoli): Antonio Russo, 43 years; Antonio Palomba, 34 years; Graziano Panariello of 43 years and Oreste Pugliese, 44, residing in Curreggio (Italy). The charge of extortion and threats as well as theft and handling stolen goods. 'S operation called' Portobello 'was announced in a conference Cuneo Press in Police Headquarters, which showed the proliferation of illegal trade in exotic animals, often with their ill-treatment they are subjected to living conditions that endanger health, often leading to death.
Angela Fabozzi, Communication WWF LAKE COUNTRY
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