First objective achieved by the volunteers of WWF Lago Patria. Now we await the grids
to breathe the pine trees in via Relay. The cry of alarm raised in July by environmentalists WWF Lago Patria, through the columns of this blog and the Rome daily, has had the effect hoped. Some, in fact, he realized he had made a terrible mistake to give the future livability of the plants in asphalt pavements that are being built on the outskirts of the busy coastal road. Just this week, in fact, despite the working time, work has begun to "liberate" the bases of the stems of old trees, making way Relay feature. Recall that in asphalt pavements tar was spread up around the collar of each tree, as if they were burdens of any pole for advertising signs, not a living being who is in that way for hundreds of years and has witnessed the transformation of the whole air. Currently, the pines are still valuable shelter for birds that colonize the area, in particular, blackbirds, doves, kestrels and even a few hawks.
"We are pleased that our alarm was raised. - Says Sandro and Lillian Terreri Comes activists and volunteers of WWF Lago Patria as well as residents in the street - it means that there is still sensitivity to the ' room into a battered territory like ours. There Aguri - end - could be the beginning of a serious dialogue with our institutions. "
Meanwhile, a worker armed with pick and shovel, is releasing the bases of the trunks of large trees outlining a rectangular shape. Perhaps he could even reach the collector grid water to ensure a living pine trees.
Meanwhile, a worker armed with pick and shovel, is releasing the bases of the trunks of large trees outlining a rectangular shape. Perhaps he could even reach the collector grid water to ensure a living pine trees.
Angela Fabozzi, Communication WWF LAKE COUNTRY
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