Have you ever heard of Clarbruno Vedruccio? Otherwise take a look, below, I organized the conference at the Library Giovanni Spadolini of the Senate, in Room Acts of Parliament, at 15:00 on 9th June 2010. | Free TV: Ustream |
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Why Is My Ovulation Mucus Blood Tinged?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Are There Any Stds That Make Gums Bleed
waste, health and healthy lifestyles to give a Hand to Earth
waste, health and healthy lifestyles to give a Hand to Earth

It's never superfluous or discounted talk about the environment and correlations with health as well as the planet, especially those living beings. A praise to the volunteers of WWF Aversa who explored the theme of the conference "Waste, health and lifestyles," which was held on 11 June to Carinaro in the province of Caserta and which saw the participation of a large group of interested despite the coincidence with the World Cup.
We also WWF Lago Patria (Angela and Sandy) have taken part in the interesting conference chaired by Francesco Autiero, president of WWF Agro Aversano. The central theme of the intervention of Alessandro Gatto, president of WWF Campania, was the slogan: "Less is more" or "the happy decline for a company zero waste. "In short, more durable and less products to buy and thus disposed of, that it remains the only major problem and only companies with high tas
know development. All you can do as a citizen and as an institution, to reduce waste, is also contained in an interesting publication that was distributed to participants at a single prayer: "make the word of mouth.

We WWF Lago Patria will.
Angela Fabozzi, Head of WWF comuniczione LAKE COUNTRY
Monday, June 7, 2010
Rerouting Washer Lines
praises for their efforts in the natural site of Liternum also President Cat
praises for their efforts in the natural site of Liternum also President Cat
Lago Patria. Tar
ga WWF Lago Patria for their efforts in the event a book for a friend. " The president of the Pro Loco Luigi De Martino Domitio Coast during the closing ceremony of the cultural event, has had the opportunity to underline the important work of WWF volunteers Lago Patria efforts in the archaeological park of Liternum. The WWF is in fact natural partner of the Pro Loco in the usability of the green park which extends on the banks of Lago Patria dle.
The microclimate over the years has been established on the shores of the lake in the shape of
heart, has allowed the development an almost unique vegetation. There are many rare tree species, however, towering lush area facing the lake. The same regional president Alessandro Gatto, from its experience, has had occasion to emphasize the preciousness of the site in terms of biodiversity, during the visit and nature walk on Sunday he did in person. Even the President praised the volunteers of the Cat WWF Lago Patria for their commitment to maintain a site that has all the details
to become a nature reserve.
Angela Fabozzi, Press Officer WWF Lago Patria
The microclimate over the years has been established on the shores of the lake in the shape of
Angela Fabozzi, Press Officer WWF Lago Patria
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Can Expired Chicken Broth Be Used?
"Striscia la Notizia" in the service of "Caste" and the manipulation of reality
http://www.striscialanotizia.mediaset.it/video/videoflv.shtml?2010_05_ghio8.flv Mrs. Elena , interviewed by Gimmy Ghione, claimed to have been cured through the use of a drug still in trials (Celix) , provided " under the watchful eye of Professor. Umberto Veronesi. In short, a wonder drug, which in its opinion, should have been loanable or distributed by the National Health Service. (continued. ..)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4XDxk28VCw Striscia la Notizia attaches to the Mayor of Latin America, Vincenzo Zaccheo, the following words: "Do not forget my daughters. " This episode was used as a gimmick and an excuse to drop the junta and go to new elections. Months after, there emerged another truth, namely that the words of Zacchaeus were others: "Do not forget the commitments made .
inquetanti Two cases that demonstrate unequivocally today as the power is exercised not by force, but among butts, groin interludes, stupid smile, tapirs, pine cones and linguine.
Dear friends,
with this article I would like to express strong perpelessità about this video broadcast Strip from the article:
In my humble opinion, this is a manipulation of reality.
And unfortunately, this is not the only espisodio where Striscia la Notizia has proven to be impartial.
fact, Striscia la notizia has become complicit in the fall of the Mayor of Latin Vincenzo Zaccheo, by broadcasting the following video fake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4XDxk28VCw
But let's order. (Continue reading this article by clicking on the title)
In the first video In my humble opinion, this is a manipulation of reality.
And unfortunately, this is not the only espisodio where Striscia la Notizia has proven to be impartial.
fact, Striscia la notizia has become complicit in the fall of the Mayor of Latin Vincenzo Zaccheo, by broadcasting the following video fake: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4XDxk28VCw
But let's order. (Continue reading this article by clicking on the title)
http://www.striscialanotizia.mediaset.it/video/videoflv.shtml?2010_05_ghio8.flv Mrs. Elena , interviewed by Gimmy Ghione, claimed to have been cured through the use of a drug still in trials (Celix) , provided " under the watchful eye of Professor. Umberto Veronesi. In short, a wonder drug, which in its opinion, should have been loanable or distributed by the National Health Service. (continued. ..)
The interview, which apparently should be designed to share an experience of an ordinary person, in my opinion, was not merely a clever operation lobbying, which is a means by which an organization already powerful and famous seeking operating pressure on the international scene, so that they can not escape dall'esaudire their demands, and in this case, to become the loanable Celix
To do this, the organization taking advantage of the day called azaleas for Research on Cancer , organized by AIRC, has identified a person apparently common, which can cope with, however, a talk, so convincingly, in front a camera, as the wife of a famous art critic Philippe Daverio (nominated in 2009 as a counselor in the list of Filippo Penati the Province of Milan) and has already had some experience in theater, see for example: http:// www.passepartout.rai.it/category/0 ,1067207,1067051-1086984, 00.html and gave the task to tell the story of a civic movement to spread the following message:
"Citizens!, there a drug testing still, that does not hurt and healing from cancer. This drug, although it is still being experimented with, however, must become loanable or be acquired by the State, because it is miraculous. Look how happy I am calm and .
In this way the organization in question has launched with the help of Striscia la Notizia subtly (I would say strip) the following message to the State
"We not only can we proud of the fact that we have on our side prof. Umberto Veronesi and who knows what other illustrious physician, but can also trigger, if we want a popular uprising, through the television (see Striscia la Notizia), in order for this experimental drug is purchased by the state. In fact, WARNING . ... if the state does not do so, the message that we could launch in the future could be this: The state is inefficient, does not care about the health of citizens, although there are miraculous products (though still in testing) ... ACQUIRED them.
Finally, what has been passed off as a seemingly innocent service, in fact conceals a much more refined communication strategy, in which the right to health of citizens is secondary to the business that may derive from the sale of the drug in question to the State: the cd Celix.
Striscia la Notizia, in this case acted as a lackey of those same hucksters miracle products, so that disputes not by the interests of citizens, but an already powerful caste.
Striscia la Notizia, however, should, in my humble opinion, to deal with other, giving space to those who, instead, a "caste" does not have it.
For example, because Strip has never occupied the cd Bioscanner, invented by Italian physicist Clarbruno Vedruccio, which is already present in Italian hospitals, and that could be saved through prevention, thousands and thousands of lives but that is no longer in production due to the winding up of the Galileo Avionics?
Why nobody has bothered to save or create a TRIMprob SpA new company to provide the Bioscanner all Italian hospitals and doctors to base?
Perhaps because the physical Clarbruno Vedruccio behind it does not have a caste so powerful? In the second video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4XDxk28VCw Striscia la Notizia attaches to the Mayor of Latin America, Vincenzo Zaccheo, the following words: "Do not forget my daughters. " This episode was used as a gimmick and an excuse to drop the junta and go to new elections. Months after, there emerged another truth, namely that the words of Zacchaeus were others: "Do not forget the commitments made .
inquetanti Two cases that demonstrate unequivocally today as the power is exercised not by force, but among butts, groin interludes, stupid smile, tapirs, pine cones and linguine.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Blue And Green Mtg Dragon
Can do much to improve our habitat and strengthen the right to live in a healthy environment
on World Environment Day which is celebrated every June 5 1972, 2010 and the theme 'the right to live in a healthy habitat. Hence the reference to small gestures like planting a tree, make sure the tap running unnecessarily when brushing your teeth when you turn out the lights of the stand-by for work prefer cycling or public transport to the office buy a plant for the desktop to remove the pollutants in the air. Meanwhile, the WWF has organized events throughout Italy: cinema, oasis, sports, volunteering and nature. Launch applications also
for the "Golden Panda" 2010 award for biodiversity and will be delivered in the fall thanks to the votes of a jury "popular" on World Environment Day - established by the UN to commemorate the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment of 1972, which was launched on the United Nations Environment Programme and that tomorrow will be celebrated around the world under the UN titled "Millions of species. A planet "- the WWF Ita lia promotes over the weekend dozens of initiatives different in various parts of the country but with a common denominator, or to call attention to the protection of the planet's natural resources, to spread the culture environmental practice and protecting our heritage or
naturale.In particular, on World Environment Day, WWF will launch the "Gold Panda", the Oscar for the Italian environment, which will reward the best projects to autumn conservation, management and enhancement of biodiversity, and will give a special mention WWF as part of the festival in Turin CinemAmbiente international short films aimed at denouncing the environmental issues.
Today the WWF initiative is organized in Rome for the Environment Day daiMinisteri Environment and Education, along with a thousand school students throughout Italy. For boys, the Association will present its products for environmental education, biodiversity and materials on a computer with special software to calculate their carbon footprint and find out how much CO2 we produce through daily behavior and habits alimentari.IL PANDA GOLD 2010
Day Environment will open with the 'street' on the WWF website http://www.wwf.it/ to Oscar nominations for the Environment WWF, the Golden Panda 2010. Now in its fifth edition, the award is given to projects that represent best practices for the conservation of biodiversity.
Special Edition Year of Biodiversity involving a jury that will choose the best design. Nominations may come from institutions, regions, provinces, municipalities, mountain communities, park authorities and other institutions of protected natural areas, Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection or other agencies or entities carrying out projects on biodiversity, but also private companies design. From September 3 you can vote by choosing the best project on the site among those selected by a special committee of the WWF. The awards ceremony is scheduled Oct. 4. Identified five categories: "Earth-species", "Land habitat", "Sea-Species", "Sea-habitats" and "The Guardian biodiversity ", ie, an award reserved for a person who is particularly distinguished for concrete action for the conservation, management and development of biodiversità.Nelle four previous editions of the World Wildlife Fund has awarded projects from almost all regions, both as entities such as the area concerned, with a record of Emilia Romagna. Among the agencies awarded more provinces that have been allocated less than 8 Golden Panda, followed by the management bodies of protected areas (6) and the State Forestry (4). Many of the winning projects were affected by the EU LIFE funding. A special edition in 2005 was
Can do much to improve our habitat and strengthen the right to live in a healthy environment

for the "Golden Panda" 2010 award for biodiversity and will be delivered in the fall thanks to the votes of a jury "popular" on World Environment Day - established by the UN to commemorate the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment of 1972, which was launched on the United Nations Environment Programme and that tomorrow will be celebrated around the world under the UN titled "Millions of species. A planet "- the WWF Ita lia promotes over the weekend dozens of initiatives different in various parts of the country but with a common denominator, or to call attention to the protection of the planet's natural resources, to spread the culture environmental practice and protecting our heritage or
Today the WWF initiative is organized in Rome for the Environment Day daiMinisteri Environment and Education, along with a thousand school students throughout Italy. For boys, the Association will present its products for environmental education, biodiversity and materials on a computer with special software to calculate their carbon footprint and find out how much CO2 we produce through daily behavior and habits alimentari.IL PANDA GOLD 2010
Day Environment will open with the 'street' on the WWF website http://www.wwf.it/ to Oscar nominations for the Environment WWF, the Golden Panda 2010. Now in its fifth edition, the award is given to projects that represent best practices for the conservation of biodiversity.
Special Edition Year of Biodiversity involving a jury that will choose the best design. Nominations may come from institutions, regions, provinces, municipalities, mountain communities, park authorities and other institutions of protected natural areas, Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection or other agencies or entities carrying out projects on biodiversity, but also private companies design. From September 3 you can vote by choosing the best project on the site among those selected by a special committee of the WWF. The awards ceremony is scheduled Oct. 4. Identified five categories: "Earth-species", "Land habitat", "Sea-Species", "Sea-habitats" and "The Guardian biodiversity ", ie, an award reserved for a person who is particularly distinguished for concrete action for the conservation, management and development of biodiversità.Nelle four previous editions of the World Wildlife Fund has awarded projects from almost all regions, both as entities such as the area concerned, with a record of Emilia Romagna. Among the agencies awarded more provinces that have been allocated less than 8 Golden Panda, followed by the management bodies of protected areas (6) and the State Forestry (4). Many of the winning projects were affected by the EU LIFE funding. A special edition in 2005 was

dedicated to sustainable tourism (Source: WWF)
angela Fabozzi, Communication WWF Lago Patria
John Cena Boxer Briefs
The group of volunteers WWF LAKE COUNTRY
waving the flag and the panda peeps eyeing the visitors of the exhibition "A Book for a Friend", sponsored by the Pro Loco Domitian coast on the shores of Lake Country. In the area of \u200b\u200bgreen park that includes the archaeological bore Liternum, were set up under the gazebo and one of these is the local delegation of the WWF LAKE COUNTRY, partner of the Pro Loco in the enjoyment of the park under the naturalistic.
Mayor Pianese under the stand of the WWF

The group of volunteers WWF LAKE COUNTRY
waving the flag and the panda peeps eyeing the visitors of the exhibition "A Book for a Friend", sponsored by the Pro Loco Domitian coast on the shores of Lake Country. In the area of \u200b\u200bgreen park that includes the archaeological bore Liternum, were set up under the gazebo and one of these is the local delegation of the WWF LAKE COUNTRY, partner of the Pro Loco in the enjoyment of the park under the naturalistic.
The charming scenery of the lake to heart-shaped leaves visitors in awe particular frazionecostiera the residents themselves, who know little or nothing of the site.
" information naturalisticca The work we are doing is putting in front of a reality that we did not believe could exist. - the President Stefano Franciosi - We are realizing that local residents shortly or know anything of this lake and the whole environment that revolves around him. This area really is a oasis for the birds that are an ideal microclimate in which winter or nest. WWF We invite people to use this site for your walks, you can not live in such a special place and not know it. "
Meanwhile manifestazioen is also an opportunity to distribute publications from the WWF to increase the membership. The mayor Giovanni Pianese , lingering under the gazebo, WWF has welcomed the initiative for the sharing of culture.
angela Fabozzi, Communication WWF Lago Patria

Mayor Pianese under the stand of the WWF
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