LONDON - Aurora Oliveira , actress with the hard license to attend the retreats of the football teams, returns to the scene of the crime.
Yes, after the shocking His frequent statements about some love, clearly behind generous compensation, with some of the most important players in our top division, the beautiful Italian-Brazilian girl will be granted to a Chiambretti Night tonight. Friday, February 11, 2010.
This time, however, the volcanic Piero not content to do an encore.
But gambling, he decided to create a real face to face, a full-fledged debate, with another familiar face hard Italian, Flame Mountains .Actress Varese, Girl of the contract Pink'o , was among the first "colleagues" of Oliveira publicly to dissociate themselves from the statements of the latter .
So much so that his message was launched from his Facebook page, has left some doubt"On behalf of all the real porn actresses I dissociate myself from prostitutes who go on television by passing the message that girls engaged in 'hard to do the escort. "
short the conditions for an evening rather than popping are all there.
that remains is to tune to Channel 5 and enjoy the show ...
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