Monday, February 28, 2011
Ice Skates Hurt Feet On Ice
The 1991 cartoon "The Secret of Blue"
alludes to the popular theory (and very likely destroyed by the archaeologists
official) which gives the about people from Atlantis
have created the 'man, and to be the architects of their
link between' homo eterctus el 'homo sapiens.
The 'missing link.
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Read this article found on the site
"Are Italians between 14 and 16 years out of ten have been contacted by strangers on the Internet and among them, 37% agreed that" friendship "or has entered in contact with them. Not only, 7% did not say anything about this to parents, which in three cases out of ten does not control what their children do the least when I'm surfing the Web these data perhaps the most impressive emerged from a survey conducted in January by MSN and published today in the submission to the Police in Milan of the "Web in the classroom" "
(article continues )
But he impressed for so little?!
You see they never saw the contacts of people
on Facebook with friends ...
4000 BY FEAR!
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in A27 accident shortly after 3. The budget is four wounded
SILEA - It is still unclear the reason that caused the loss of control of the truck. Maybe it was a fall asleep.
the incident occurred last night shortly after 3 in A27, at the height of Silea, she is unclear at this hour the traffic police.
The truck lurched suddenly is in a straight section and the case he wanted it to happen at the point where there was a car with three people on board stopped on the hard shoulder. The impact was violent, the budget is four wounded, three in the car plus the driver of the truck, fortunately no life-threatening.
on site to rescue also attended by firefighters, who have lent support to the health of SUEM 118.
There were no significant problems movement, given the time and partly because of the fact that it was not necessary to completely block the highway, as the accident-damaged vehicles were located on one side of the road.
Matteo Ceronsource
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Washington, February 24 (Ign) - Rodney Knight Jr. ., 19, comes in its own right in the list of 'dumbest robbers of the world'. Just yesterday, police had to confess to a robbery in Washington last December.
The young thief had entered the house of a journalist from the 'Washington Post ', Marc Fisher, and had stolen two laptops, a winter coat and $ 400 in cash. It would almost certainly get away with if it were not for the unhealthy idea that came soon after. Before leaving the house because it was taken a photo laptop he had stolen from him with the 'stolen'. Even worse then, decided to publish the photo 'offending' Facebook profile the son of the victim, showing other kids 400 Washington.
" I have seen many things, but this is the stupidest criminal I have ever seen " said Mr. Fisher an agent. The police gave us ten days to track down the thief, also found in possession of a handgun without a license. Rodney is not nothing left to do but to confess the crime.
source Facebook_311722247711.html-
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What Perfume Is Powdery
Sometimes we succeed. Sometimes we win . Against the endless stream of advertising, promotions, communications, camouflage themselves behind that information, but in reality are nothing more than sinister marketing products useless for us and for "their" beneficial.
But sometimes we win. Thank cabalistic combinations of options , signatures and signatures are missing, and slalom between clauses opt-in opt-out and . And in fact appear on my credit card each month appears the following paragraph wrenching :
They are extremely sad and killed for not being able to send the amazing "business information", complete with contests and prizes operations. To which I never dreamed to participate! And all because they have not received the consent from me. But what a terrible omission on my part!
I can not tell the pleasure that I feel every month to read the same words, and the imagination to fly with all the "opportunities" that I'd really take in life, certainly not those that might offer them ...
The Bmi Of Females In From Another Country (data)
The mothers of children under six years of age
will no longer stay in prison ,
unless special precautionary needs of
" exceptional importance."
And it provides a bill approved
of Members of the House that raises the double
(currently three years) the age of the child because the woman
not be held.
The text, adopted unanimously and with the abstention
radicals (who had first presented
but now consider it inappropriate for the lack of funding
) now goes to the Senate.
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It 's the first time in I put this blog a non-news blog.
But it is ESSENTIAL.
Read this news on HUNTING in Sardinia.
Finally it is called as it should be called:
HUNT ("i")
's just a typo site eh!
Maybe you think you are going to read news!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Can I Use Woolite In My Front Load
Saturday, February 19, 2011
When I Drink My Jaw Hurts
It is never pleasant to receive a letter by the Inland Revenue: I usually do not write for the birthday wishes, but to complain (with salted interest and penalties) some heavy tax that for some reason (distraction or failure) was not paid on time and manner (always difficult for an ordinary mortal).
Even more cryptic is the content of the message, which refers to the Model Law:
'[...] the counts relating to the data reported by the irregularities not [...] have emerged, however, surplus tax higher than stated [...]. "
mean, sorry, you can repeat? squaring accounts, but there are surpluses tax. And what are these surpluses? I paid taxes too, or I would have to pay more? Absolutely indecipherable to a human medium.
Fortunately on the next page is a listing from which you understand what are the figures in the game and what was the error in the declaration.
So, even if "test material" (quote) instead of € 0.00 € 0.00 I should declare . We see that the error reporting lies on the axis imaginary, not real one.
I am glad that our Inland Revenue, rather than fighting the real evaders, commit their energies to send notifications irrelevant (indeed, imagined) to those who had accounts in good standing. I wonder if these controls have helped to pump up statistics presented by the ?
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Ideas For What To Say At A Sorority Initiation
latest issue of IEEE Computer I found an interesting article The Promise and Peril of Social Computing , in which he introduces a new monthly column will be treated from a critical standpoint, the phenomenon of social computing , and of course the social network are essential.
I was intrigued and very interested in Figure 1 (reproduced below) which shows the link between many U.S. blog of different political orientations: liberal (blue) and conservative (red). It is clear that there is a strong link between concentration of blogs with similar political views, while the two half-balls (or half-blogospheres) are almost disconnected from each other.
The tendency is then to speak to people who think like us, and listen only to people who think [already] like us. The social network is not so much to create new connections, how to strengthen existing groups (and if we create "barriers" are even stronger when it is most difficult to enter a highly cohesive group already).
is discussed so much lack of communication through family, work, social. We were able to create even the lack of communication on social networks. After all, since man invented the language, he also invented dialects and inflections, which are there to tell who is and who is not in my group.
And then, tomorrow we will see a little 'extra care to maintain a more open and criticism on blogs we read. Red or blue.
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With his two guests to the popular transmission Mediaset , led by the brilliant Piero Chiambretti the " Chiambretti Night" fact, the beautiful Aurora Oliveira , actress hard-born Italian-Brazilian broke out as a real bolt from the blue in the Italian media landscape.
known by experts in the world of adult entertainment through its participation in the 3D movies Casino '45 the Oliveira with vitriolic statements against its flirtation with some of the major players in the Serie A, has emerged in the chronicles of last days.After heated debate with my colleague Flame Mountains, the volcanic girl, exclusive to readers of , in an interview three hundred and sixty degrees takes off a few more pebble in the shoe ...
Why did you decide to take the hard road?
"The answer with the utmost sincerity, like I always did well in transmission Chiambretti. I like sex but I chose to shoot film almost exclusively for hard money - followed the beautiful interviewed - I think it's easy to talk when you do not have children and a family to support. The theory is one thing to practice, however, is quite different. In my life I've worked a lot but at the end of the month, when take home twelve hundred euro, it's really hard to keep up with all the costs. "
inflation still Oliveira : "So I started doing porn to ensure both me and my family a decent life. How many girls working in this environment, oncethat my name began to circulate, the first proposals came as an escort. "
When the first proposals came from the world of hard?
"In June of 2009. In addition to the 3D scene in the movie Pink'o , Casino '45 , I worked in a film of Max Bellocchio protagonist. "
dwell on this point.
With its participation Chiambretti not worried that his celebrity clients can make the distance?
"No absolutely not, and I say that many have also called me to congratulate me, because they recognized the true Aurora Oliveira . I was there as a 'luxury unemployed'. After years of dance auditions unsuccessful even at La Scala in Milan and acting studies, which in the meantime, and they have a significant cost, my ambition was and is to work in the cinema canon. Failing to note, however, deals and being unemployed, I was invited to the program up in those clothes. Only during the interview Mr. Piero decided to deepen my love life and talk about my alleged affair.
However, to close the speech, I tell everyone that I attend are more than confident about myself, my person and my professionalism. I never did and never will make him names, why can all stay calm .... "
Allow me to be bad ...
If one day his son, as we believe it is lawful to ask an explanation, or did the questions about his work, what do you reply?
"I thought about it and I think the answer, looking into his eyes, I did all this solely and exclusively for him and potergli ensure a better future. I'll tell him that his mother also has had and continues to have broad shoulders because the first place, above all else, is his happiness. I think a child in front of a response so real, so sincere and free of hypocrisy, can only be proud of his mother. "
So what are your future plans?
"As I said my dream is to play in normal film, and I studied for this study, so I hope sooner or later to realize my aspiration. In the meantime, if you reach the proposed series, I will continue with the hard-core world. I, unlike others, do not ever spit on the plate from which I ate though, always be honest, I must admit that there want to envy or because other factors, have been little exploited. "
specifically what or who you referring to?
"I think everyone has seen what has happened since Chiambretti , no? I was attacked by an actress who began by saying, after shooting one scene, to represent all the hard Italian. Which, among other things, it seems to me a little true since after the bets have been contacted by other actresses, much more important than the young lady in question, which I did compliment. I was real, I was myself and I think in the long run this can only repay. "
why he believes the world has failed to appreciate the hard or unwilling to invest in his character?
"I have no idea and tell you the truth I care very little.
I only know that priority was given to other characters who, after just one scene, they felt there. I'm talking about the same people who attack have tried to get free publicity, the same people who are of mediocre talent shows and fill their mouths with the word burlesque, when we all know that in Italy the only actress to have introduced this art in his shows is really Vittoria Risi .
More succinctly the Oliveira : "Do you think these people are also those who have accused me of not having given the premises and do not know, however, that two years are full of work and I'm turning the whole peninsula. Now I'm really proud of being able to watch top-down "
So we are talking about Flame Mountains , let's name some names and some ...
"It 's useless to names, I can only say that thanks to that person signed and managed to have their moment in one of the most popular TV programs. What then did the figure that we all have seen this is just his problem. I think I should still learn a lot and would recommend to take inspiration from Eva Henger , so that she can talk about having his career. As a professional I felt rebuked by an amateur ...
not think that hard work and his escort have or may have damaged his image?
"No, frankly I do not think that hard or that I have attended or frequent players or other people like me to escort me having or damage. I did not say the truth that nobody knows, everybody knows that where there is power there is often rotten.
Further, while they filmed a little, the economic contribution was significant and also gave me the opportunity to let me know to most people. I do not say this then my two-hosted Call brett the what happened. A lot of people have supported me and appreciated me for my honesty. "
did not feel a bit 'exploited in the transmission of Dr. Chiambretti ? In short, the hard actress, who is also an escort, a cliche 'already seen and reviewed ...
"Absolutely not, in fact I got to break those hypocrisies that surround it, especially in Italy, this environment. Above all I want to emphasize that, unlike others, I always speak only for myself and I was not afraid to expose myself in first person. "
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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with lots of applause standing ovation for a few entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. Because these genes, without waiting for any applicant in particular, have decided to make a gift to women:
a channel to red lights. So here come
Porn. His strong point? Offer much more than the classical channel hot video. The first in Europe to provide non-stop pornography and pink . This was confirmed by one of his dad, Martijn Broersma, ' Women want something different from the traditional porn, they want to see explicit content and have proof that this is really happening, that it is fake'.
And so it goes from soft content and highly erotic scenes most daring, raw and explicit. A menu for all tastes and 24h on 24.
So, let us say: the Dutch fair sex is very lucky that 'there is a revolution that walks in porn today, as today, and talks about alternative and feminist porn, but often there is not enough supply to meet this question '. So it is better run for cover.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Energy Pyramid Labeled
Let the role of an alien who intends to get an idea of \u200b\u200bways of thinking in different countries around the world. To get a good picture on how to think "Italian" I suggest to land opposite the site at which the Repair Shops Department of Turin is renovating the premises in view of the celebrations for Italy 150.
A few decimeters of each other, are the following two signs. The first, repeated several times in the giant poster printed on the demarcation of the yard hurdles. The second, and fake steering wheel hanging from the entrance gate.
Analysis and comparison between the two cartels, our alien especially careful and intelligent observer can easily deduce the following:
- Italy must be a nation full of elderly , whose main occupation is of course a visit to the different sites available in town
- The anniversary of the unit of Italy should be very little heard , since the real event and song, not the celebration
- The celebration of Italy 150 is an event of significance and only local , since all signage is in Italian
- For some reason the event Shipyard (who knows because the case?) is absolutely be visited by many people, even insisting that it's free and you can get discount coupons for admission to the exhibitions.
- Every time the Italians agree on a date (January 15 for the start of visits), it happens that they fail to comply engagement (it had to be postponed to 22), because someone discovered that all 'inside of a site you make "work" (but it'?)
- Do not be ashamed of not meeting deadlines, and in the end you are convinced that the signs do not read them anyone, given that more than 3 weeks after the second notice has not yet been removed.
Dear Alien, I would say that you have understood. Now take a ride in some truly civilized nation, so you detoxify this feeling of nausea from carelessness.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
High Soft Cervix 3 Days Before Af
It's called " Law 240/10 of 30 December 2010, and has led many students, researchers, professors in the streets last autumn and early winter. I was not passionate protest, and above all its forms, as the ideological and eschatological language that was used seemed dictated more by the logic of opposition that comparisons on . Comparisons, Incidentally, by the Ministerial were never offered or permitted.
But look ahead. Now is the law of the state (although there are still several decrees) and there must adapt. The themes
that more had to heat the protests were related to the so-called "governance" (ie the composition and roles of the Academic Senate and Board of Directors) and the reform of procedures for "recruitment" (ie recruitment and career progression), and in particular the abolition of researchers in perpetuity.
On the issue of governance I can not have an opinion, because a lot depend on the statutes of each university will have to approve. And arguments are too abstract for my poor mind of an engineer.
On the issue of recruitment not want to get: The previous system was accused of being cumbersome and patronage, and the future will be equally cumbersome and patronage. Instinct would tell me that it would be easier and more effective to try to "fix" an existing system (which was not perfect, but which are known to experience good and bad) rather than throwing it overboard and create a brand new ( whose defects are not yet known). But perhaps consumerism has arrived here too ... But these
are not the real problems. Or rather, are changes, we do not know if they will have a devastating impact or marginal, but all things are part of the evolution of the system, that somehow we can rule .
The real problems are hidden in other commucci and articulate, which no one has ever paid attention. Take for example
art. 18, paragraph 5. Article 18 seems almost innocuous, with the title "Call of the professors", which specifies the mechanisms by which universities professors call, beyond the evaluation of the budget (the university) for approval and country ('s aspirant professor). Nothing wrong with that. The calls are made already. It is rare that there are some surprises in this process. So it's a harmless article. But no
The last paragraph (paragraph 5, of course) describes what the professionals who can join "groups and research projects [...] and [to] carry out the activities' of ; research. " And the best news is that many figures previously legal, become excluded. You can no longer enter into contracts of continuous collaboration for research purposes. Nor occasional collaboration. Nor contracts technical term. But even scholarships. The research, however, can be made "solely" (sic) by the permanent staff, from students and the research fellows.
Anyone who has had experience in funded research projects (national, regional, European) or in collaboration with companies, he knows that what is essential in order to "bring home" the contract is to have competent and dedicated staff the project. The companies claim that we professors and researchers follow and train the young staff we do work on the project: in this way at the end of the project will results of quality and personal ready to be engaged. European projects require that you invest many man-months , and so it is necessary take different people.
The effect of the constraints will be very simple: become more difficult or almost impossible to take certain types of staff, because the constraints imposed on research grants (minimum and maximum degrees, amounts, bound, ...) and PhD (annual contest, three-year laughable amount, ...) are not compatible with many requests from the outside.
The results? Certainly less expense personnel. Certainly less precarious University (not because they are stabilized, but it will make the precarious elsewhere). Certainly less revenue. Yes, this will be the reduction of the cash flows of universities . At least of those technologies, where the mechanisms are the ones that I have outlined. This
yes, it's damage. Real. Quantifiable. Immediate. NGOs.
Friday, February 11, 2011
1800-1812 Through Indians Eyes
www.HardCelebrity.Com , has a small clip of dellspettacolo Aurora Central RiminiSex200 Oliveira on stage, an event presented by Corrado Fumagalli and organized by Giuseppe and Salvatore Bar ...
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www.HardCelebrity.Com , has a small appetizer of the show on the central stage of Aurora Oliveira BergamoSex 2009, an event organized by the eclectic Corrado Fumagalli ...
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www.HardCelebrity.Com - In this funny clip, Conrad Fumagalli has the stage the performer Aurora Oliveira, rose to prominence in recent days to some statements Hot Chiambretti the Night.
On this occasion he had to RiminiSex March 2010, held in Bellaria Igea Marina, in the beautiful location of the European Convention Center.
Patron of the event Joseph and Salvatore Bar.
Early Warning Signs Of Autism
The spread equal to or greater than 100% of mobile phones among young people is often accompanied by a reverse phenomenon: the reduction in the number of people wearing a watch.
E 'increasingly common the fact that it faces to devices that will communicate the time: the computer, mobile phone, television, train station ... and is therefore less need to consult your hours on his watch. To the point that many make it completely without.
But there is at least an environment in which all the usual sources of "right time" can not be used: the exams. In a written examination you can not use either PC or mobile, so it always sounds the most frequent question, "prof., what is missing in the end? ".
By the end of the examination, missing 15 minutes. By the end of the ability to organize ... we came too late.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Justin Bieber Still In School?

LONDON - Aurora Oliveira , actress with the hard license to attend the retreats of the football teams, returns to the scene of the crime.
Yes, after the shocking His frequent statements about some love, clearly behind generous compensation, with some of the most important players in our top division, the beautiful Italian-Brazilian girl will be granted to a Chiambretti Night tonight. Friday, February 11, 2010.
This time, however, the volcanic Piero not content to do an encore.
But gambling, he decided to create a real face to face, a full-fledged debate, with another familiar face hard Italian, Flame Mountains .Actress Varese, Girl of the contract Pink'o , was among the first "colleagues" of Oliveira publicly to dissociate themselves from the statements of the latter .
So much so that his message was launched from his Facebook page, has left some doubt"On behalf of all the real porn actresses I dissociate myself from prostitutes who go on television by passing the message that girls engaged in 'hard to do the escort. "
short the conditions for an evening rather than popping are all there.
that remains is to tune to Channel 5 and enjoy the show ...
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sewing A Hood Onto A Cape
has just closed the first edition of Google Code-In, a programming contest open to pre-university students.
Some advance the ranking of the winners (to be published on 14/02) are in this post:
In Final Statistics-Google Code - Google Open Source Blog : "Google Code-In Final Statistics"
curious that in the top 10 there is also Italy. Very interesting (apart from Germany USA Canada and Australia, which are almost taken for granted) the list of other nations in the top 10. Perhaps in some states the technological expertise is really seen as a way to emerge.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
When Is The Next Putty Hill Party
hoping not to ever get . Sometimes told that the episodes in a low voice and always in an indirect way were only sporadic. Or even false. That the Poles were populated by local people concentrated on the study, on being excited about the new technologies, and the search for new friends and create partnerships, working or sentimental.
So we imagined the study rooms of the Polytechnic (which, incidentally, by "sale" have grown up with the doubling also becoming "corridors" "Warehouses" and "spaces" study). But these local
have become hunting grounds . Students from other criminals, or by small groups semiorganizzati, either Italian or foreign, who began to "beat" the places frequented by students looking for something to pinched.
For this occurred in all study rooms leaflets represented here, that tell whether always keep their possessions, and never lose sight of. Not only that, between the words we read to make sure people could get close with strange proposals and speeches with is only meant to distract you.
It's always been like that? difficult to compare, because 10 years ago (for example) no one ever brought below phone, mp3 and laptop worth a few thousand euro, simply because these instruments were not yet so common. Of course we all had "good" programmable calculators (sometimes even rekindled my faithful HP-28C), but I do not remember thefts or disappearances, perhaps because it so easy to put on the market in stolen.
instead remember that the first day of class (you do not know, do not know the environment) in many hours of range to lock their suitcases (more relic is now gone but once standard equipment). Then, after the first few weeks, the atmosphere became relaxed el'aula common area where you felt safe.
What remains from these recent events is a fund of sadness, a desecration of a space but also a way of life and understanding of the day we went alumni proud.