Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cleaning Jarrah Outdoor Settings

Try again, Enel

A proper following the story of the two-tier pricing unreadable communications that provides its customers with Enel.

dell'indistinguibilità The problem of time slot F1 compared to F2 and F3 is resolved, the Italian, in the worst way.

The new Communication (came with the bill in September-October) it is shown in blue-blue of varying intensity, with different backgrounds instead of black.

Tabella fasce biorarie

Certainly now the tables are readable, but we had to switch to a two-color printing instead of a single color, increasing the cost. The sheet of paper it is printed communication is not white, but blue, which suggests higher costs of paper and draft enveloping.

As often happens in our country, the lack of attention and / or intelligence (just choose the number of black-white backgrounds), it compensates with extra costs, which of course will be overturned on customers. One more reason to stay away from the capital brought in these days ...


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