On 16 January 2010, the Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi , was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize , through the intense work spin doctoring done by Giampaolo Battaglia, 30 April 2009, which created the Committee of Freedom and the site http://www.silvioperilnobel.it/ that within eight months has received the consent of 16,000 people, with over 100 Volunteer Committees facebook open throughout Italy, reaching 1.7 million visitors . From this mentioned the hymn composed for the occasion "Peace can " by Pino Di Pietro and Loriana Lana who was among the most downloaded from the network.
On December 10, 2009, Battle Giampaolo Lupi has created for Ferdinand, candidate regional elections of 27 and 28 April 2010 in the list of candidates President of the Lazio Region, Renata Polverini, http://www.iostoconsilvio.it/ the brand, and oversaw the development of the "manifesto ; ideological "and created the first citizens' movement iitaliano horizontal e-democracy" and from the President, "which has enabled its customers to obtain membership of over 296,700 people, to coordinate 350 Volunteer committees throughout Italy, to receive the regional elections in the district of Rome and Province, and 3,879 votes in the District and Province of Naples, 651 votes, with the candidacy of Mrs. Imma Orefice.
the mandate professional , Giampaolo Battaglia ceded to Ferdinand wolves brand and domain http://www.iostoconsilvio.it/ , a real political heritage, which over time has produced the birth of a few movements "clone" called "I'm with Silvio for Freedom" and "I'm with Fini .

For all the details:
http://www.clarbrunovedruccionobel.it .
To speak personally to Clarbruno Vedruccio: writeto@clarbrunovedruccio.it
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