For all the details:
http://www.clarbrunovedruccionobel.it .
To speak personally to Clarbruno Vedruccio: writeto@clarbrunovedruccio.it
One of the first things I usually try to make it clear to my students the first year, or at least to those who approach information technology, is the importance of backups.
Imagine if I got home (or in office) you discover that your computer will not start because the hard drive has failed. It happens, again, it's just a matter of time. Question of "when it happens", not "if it happens."
Now ask yourself: when was the last backup of my data?
The only way to be sure not to lose data is to introduce a system of automatic backup , that does not require human intervention or to remember "what I changed in the last week?". Ideally, a backup running alone, even at night, diligently and copy all files modified.
FortunatelyWindows 7 hours already incorporates a system of automatic and incremental backups, which allow you to save your data on a network server.
For the working groups, for example where we use Linux servers, there are three open source solutions usually adopted: amanda, bacula and BackupPC . Personally I used amanda for several years, when I backup to tape of a network of Sun servers I have never used bacula, whereas disk backups use BackupPC.
All this long speech to say that, on OpenSuse 11.2, the distribution of BackupPC does not work automatically, because there are inconsistencies between the security settings apache server (which does not agree to run scripts with setuid cgi-bin) and the preconditions for web administration tool, which instead requires the setuid on a CGI script.
The incompatibility can be solved by using the form mod_suexec apache to force the identity of the user running a CGI script, without having to use the setuid bit. The instructions can be found in the following message: http://www.mail-archive.com/backuppc-users @ lists.sourceforge.net/msg02018.html . Only caveat (not specified in the linked document): Remember to make / usr/sbin/suexec2 setuid root (permissions-rwsr-xr-x), otherwise not apache still unable to switch users.
Maybe someone else can be useful ... it certainly will be for me, next time I'll have to reinstall a server!