In those days I was able to appreciate once more the flexibility operating systems based on linux (or unix in general), especially when you perform system administration operations a bit 'out of normal.
In this case I'm handling the migration of users to a server that was based on an old version of Mandriva , and manage the database users to a LDAP server using a series of scripts ( smbldap ) long not supported, all migrating to a new server openSUSE 11.2. The goal is to continue to use an LDAP backend, but remapping the data representation (the so-called LDAP schema) as managed natively by the excellent administration tool YaST just openSUSE.
During the migration I also wanted to change the login name some people (mainly as a mild anti-spam measure) and delete other users, no longer needed. All this without knowing the password to anyone, so I had to preserve all these passwords.
LDAP is one of those things you have to face little at a time, is a directory server in the documentation tells you everything you need for creating phantasmagoric custom schema, and how to interrogate them with very complex queries. But nobody tells you clearly how the various Linux distributions store the data of users inside.
Or rather, the information is there, even if difficult to read, in RFC 2256 (A Summary of the X.500 (96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3) and RFC 2307 (An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service). You just have to read it 3 times, to understand that all information relating to a user can be summarized in:
dn: uid = loginname , ou = people, dc = cad, polished dc =, dc = com
objectClass: top objectClass
inetOrgPerson objectClass: posixAccount
cn: First Name Last Name
sn: Surname
givenName: Name
uid: loginname
uidNumber: 12345
gidNumber: 13254
homeDirectory: / home / loginname
loginShell: / bin / bash userPassword
: e1NTS ***** *** = dYUmw
Fields in italics are those of each individual user, userPassword and the course was changed for security reasons.
that remains is to create a nice text file contains exactly this information, exporting LDIF from the previous server as needed, remove the attributes you no longer use, rename the attributes that were used differently in two scheme, and finally delete the users no longer want. In the end everything is imported to the new server LDIF, et voila, login on the first try!
The various steps followed are not interesting enough to be disclosed here, but I want to indicate the main tool used:
ldapsearch-L-x -D 'cn = Administrator, dc = cad, polished dc =, dc = com'-W \\
-b 'ou = Users, dc = cad, polished dc =, dc = com' '(objectclass = posixAccount) '
- for delete unwanted attributes, nothing better than a series of grep-v
ldapsearch-L-x-D 'cn = Administrator, dc = cad, polished dc =, dc = com'-W \\
-b 'ou = Users, dc = cad, dc = polished, dc = com '' (objectclass = posixAccount) '
- for rename attributes or values, a little' sed and regular expression
sed ' s / uid = \\ (.* \\), ou = Users / uid = \\ 1, ou = people / '
- finally, the retouching hand, the great ldapvi
ldapvi-D cn = Administrator, dc = cad, polished dc =, dc = com
Try to do the same on a Windows system!
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