Erotik Expo in November 2010, Venus Bianca: "The hard is dead, bitches laugh at the task of educating the sex!"
undisputed icon of the hard and erotic world nationally and internationally.
versatile artist capable of ranging from fashion, conduct, through the world of adult entertainment, La Venere Bianca is one of the few, very few examples of rare and important qualitative artistic longevity.
completely detached and distant from the canonical patterns, the beautiful actress in Tuscany, after years of absence from the trade shows, will make his return to ' Expo Erotik Pisa .
Exclusively for Friends HardCele , La Venere Bianca tells us that his return , aftertaste a bit ' bitter, given that in a few months ufficializzerĂ its withdrawal from the scene.
We start now the good news, after years of absence from an erotic fair, we can proclaim his welcome return.
'It is true some years missing from this event because, in truth, do not represent me anymore. From my participation in the first Mi-Sex , the edition in which it was announced the death of Moana , many things have changed, perhaps too many - followed the 'interviewed - That my participation will also be a way to greet the public Tuscan because, most likely, will be my last performance in my region ... "
make us understand better, perhaps not want to enunciate that La Venere Bianca could leave their public ...
"But yes ... I Look fifty-two years and I can think of goes on and on, does not deny that the stimuli have changed, I think it's a natural thing after all these physiological and year career - adds the interviewee - I think I still have a range of five or six months, even for a project that is emerging and we are saying is in part a continuation of my book. Then failing to premises in which I perform here in Tuscany that's why I say that will be my last time in my land. "
We have not had time to enjoy his return that immediately comes to us this "moral blow." Let us leave it behind and talk about this project that we mentioned.
"I'm turning, with the support of a major production, a documentary serious, objective and truthful in this world. I would like to make a new cut for this product and show the real conditions of this environment. The idea, then, is to show the positive and interesting things that are part of the world hard and, of course, gray areas or situations sometimes bleak that you may encounter. In short, I believe that this world, like a person's life in general, have moments as high as the less noble moments ... "
The I would ask if he considers a fair like this to Expo Erotik a suitable place for the presentation of publications in some way related to adult entertainment. For example, I refer to his book "And if I go to heaven."
"I tell you honestly no, I do not think that an erotic fair will be the right place. Moreover, in my case the book does not speak strictly of this world, would be limited to support such a thing. We say that is a manuscript about the life and the sexual path of a simple woman who, among other things, was also an actress porn. I say that if I had been invited to this event to present I refused because my book would be a way to ghetto. "
returned to his participation in Expo Erotik . What are your expectations for this event?
"As I was saying I think this will be my last time here in Tuscany, before the public in my region. Plus I'm happy to review some of the protagonists in the hard period I represent. A period that will seem trivial to say, but there really is more - continues tone a bit 'nostalgic La Venere Bianca - a time when we met at different events with me colleagues and we were all a bit' on our own, with a knife between the teeth ready to give us battle, the thing I like most about today is the serenity that reigns when we are together. "
Let me ask what has changed in its view of the world hard that she feels entitled to represent and that of today. "I do not want my answer tones take on a vent but is Clearly, things have changed and definitely for the worse ... Not that I worry about what people might think because, in the past, I often have called atypical or a porn star a porn star anyway not for everyone. However, the hard, which once gave the freedom and empowerment for women, today has become a kind of slavery. Women working in this environment are often deprived of their dignity, cachet are low and are kept low to force them to do private parties. I do not see sex in the films but I only see the vulgarity and a lot of violence - followed La Venere Bianca increasingly critical in tone - Today women, who are able to have fun and to live their sexuality as men, in Italy are forced not to attend the club in a free or premises, and must go abroad to give vent to their fantasies and desires. One way to avoid being judged or additives ".
continues its analysis in the Tuscan artist: "Unfortunately, today's audiences it was poorly educated by these new products, most kids today do not appreciate the moment before, eroticism. They do not know what it means to discover, in small steps, sexuality. It 'true that, at this time, the hard is the paucity of this society in general. Girls who prostitute themselves to fifteen years, sending photos to adults, to get in return for refills phones ... I will close with this phrase that I believe, is not to be a symptom of little modesty ... The thing that disappointed me most in this environment is that new actresses or at least the new recruits, many of which are lowered to make tricks, they will not leave a real mark on history ... Mo to na and Cicciolina marked an era and a historical period because they were true pornstar lived their sexuality freely and only secondarily have made it work. Artists were able to activate the brain of men and not just the bird ... Today, everything is limited to the money and the results are these ... "
there in your opinion a way to re-educate the public or to reopen the window of quality?
"The way there but it's drastic, really drastic. We should close all local, internet and inhibit reopen brothels. In short, we give the educational function of the whores and mind you, I use the word bitches in no way discriminatory or not, are not an educator, and then I would never dare to judge how each of us makes a living. "
I thank you for your time and allowed us to end the interview in a light, would ask her to ask if his personal invitation to ' Expo Erotik Pisa to all friends of .
"More than happy. I invite all friends of your site at the show, I'll be there Friday, 26, and above all I appeal to the public on this occasion Tuscan goodbye for the last time - still smiling The Venere Bianca - short come because there will be the last time the Venus ... "
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