Road works as a relay race are undermining the centuries-old trees are suffocated by the tar in place because no one has thought of the speaker covers
Varcaturo . Pines Smothering tar, which undermine life. The alarm is launched by WWF Lago Patria, seriously concerned about the fate of about fifty specimens of pine up to 20 meters high and the characteristic light brown bark and many cracks, which have always been characteristic of the relay route.
"We expected the work in the street like manna from heaven - said Lilliana Comes, WWF volunteer and resident of Lago Patria via relay - but they are doing damage to plants, irrespective of habitats for a tree like that. Instead of protective cast on each plant was spread asphalt and pine trees in danger of disappearing! "
The major artery of the coastal village of Lago Patria, a few months has been affected by repair work to fix the road dotted with countless valleys and build sidewalks, that if a time had an option for suburban street, Today, they are a real lifesaver as via relay in the last decade has been an increase in housing and the foot is also serviced by many pedestrians and joggers. For years, residents have been waiting for a major maintenance of the road, because of the presence of the roots of pine trees, shows a very rough and dangerous road for the cars, which over time have been the subject of countless injuries and accidents serious.
In making the sidewalks, among other things, aesthetically ugly and not as it should be paved in a central street Varcaturo that also hosts many local, the pines were treated the same way as the iron poles and advertising signs' asphalt to cover the areas devoted to pedestrians has been coated at the base of the trunk of the tree trunk even without taking into account the space for the filtration of rainwater.
"I made numerous phone calls to find the right partner institutions which emphasize the destruction being done for Relay. - Says Sandro

it possible that nobody thought to protect the pine trees that are characteristic of the relay route or is it a way to eliminate

Angela Fabozzi, Communication WWF Lago Patria